It helps us to make sure that rules are followed and that the chat is monitored at all times. The original LiteBot was created by TAT and was developed till it's end of life by Origin, Henchman, Yemasthui and xBytez. She has been rewritten by xBytez and Origin and she is currently maintained by xBytez, Origin and Dazzuh. The amazing features of LiteBot are what helps to make Radiant Music awesome!
Advanced commands and permissions system.
Sophisticated AFK warning and checking.
Automated skipping of certain tracks.
Keeps track of song history, keeping it fresh.
Complex array of filters within the chat.
Automatic skip on certain amount of 'Mehs'.
A huge choice of protection methods.
Expanding data retention
Warnings to ensure users are banned properly.
Places users back into the waitlist after they left.
Cookies, Treats, Pie, Insults and more.
Automated control over the settings in the community.
Ensuring staff cannot attempt to skip someone twice.
Will force skip tracks if they don't themselves.
You can turn on/off any feature of LiteBot.
Based on Twitch.TV, will prevent communication.
If it disconnects, it will reload itself back in.
A completely different (and lightweight) User Interface.
Extra long messages are split within it's own function
Waitlist Roulette, Kick Roulette, Lottery and more soon!
Prevents certain commands being called too quickly!
You can find the updated command list at